Let's Talk About It February 6, 2025: CARE Act and Community Outreach - Sylvia Bazan, Behavioral Health Manager, Mental Health Triage Unit, Kytzia Romero, Program Supervisor, Intensive Community Program CARE Act

The Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act is a California law that provides behavioral health services and support to people with severe mental illnesses. The CARE Act aims to prevent avoidable hospitalizations, incarcerations, and LPS Mental Health Conservatorships. Join us as we talk about who is eligible, how to access the Petition, who can file and other facts about the CARE Act.
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Let's Talk About It February 13, 2025: Helping Children Manage Aggressive Behavior - Robert W. Oliver, Ed. D. Master Trainer for Aggression Replacement Training

An overview of the Aggression Replacement Training (ART) Model, a cognitive behavioral intervention program designed to help children improve social skills and moral reasoning, better manage anger, and reduce aggressive behavior
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Let's Talk About It February 20, 2025:  Young Love: Concerns and Mental Health Issues in Adolescent Romance - Andrea Platero, LPCC, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Adolescence contains a number of life challenges, including the beginnings of romantic relationships. With therapist Andrea Platero, we examine the modern context of young love, including social media, consider common concerns and share helpful strategies in support youth through their first romantic relationships.
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Let's Talk About It February 27, 2025: Casa Serena: Maria Ruiz, MSW, Deputy Director Mental Health Triage and Engagement Services

At times, members of our community experience severe mental health symptoms that disrupt their lives. In such moments, they need a safe harbor—a port in the storm—to remain secure and prevent a potentially dangerous mental health crisis. Casa Serena serves as that safe harbor, offering supportive in-patient service elements to individuals navigating a mental health crisis before it escalates further. Join us as Deputy Director Maria Ruiz, MSW, delves deeper into this innovative program and its vital role in our community.
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Let's Talk About It January 9, 2025: Positive Engagement Team (P.E.T.) Programe - Ernesto De La Rosa, Community Service Worker, Monica Hernandez, Community Service Worker, Brooke Hester, Pet Handler

Imperial County Behavioral Health Services, in collaboration with the Humane Society, identifies shelter dogs with potential to be professionally trained to provide emotional support and comfort to clients during their appointments and at outreach community events. The Positive Engagement Team, also known as the P.E.T Program, invites everyone to interact with them when they see them out in the community and at the clinics. Join us as Community Service Workers, Ernesto De La Rosa and Monica Hernandez along with Brooke Hester, a PET Handler, share insights and stories about the program, its mission, and the incredible bond between humans and dogs.
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Let's Talk About It January 16, 2025:  Self-Harming Behaviors in Youth and Young Adults: Maricruz Bermudez, LMFT, Supervising Therapist, Youth and Young Adult Services

Self- harm is when an individual intentionally hurts themselves to cope with emotional pain or distress. The thoughts of hurting oneself are most common in adolescents and have increased because of the pandemic. The risks of self-harming behaviors have never been more pronounced as they are now. Please join us as therapist Maricruz Bermudez talks more in depth about the signs and symptoms along with the different interventions that are available for adolescents that are experiencing self-harm.
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Let's Talk About It January 23, 2025: Mental Health Support for LGBTQ Community - Dr. Tsui, Psy.D., LCSW, Doctor of Psychology, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Members of the LGBTQ community are more likely to experience behavioral health challenges due to the prejudices that exist today. Dr. Tsui talks about mental health support for the LGBTQ Community. In addition, Dr. Tsui talks about the LGBTQ Community, the prejudice that come with it, and the changes that could help better serve this community.
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Let's Talk About It January 30, 2025: Trauma Informed Behavioral Healthcare - Gabriella Grant, MA, Director of the California Center for Excellence for Trauma Informed Care

Trauma is a common cause or factor in many mental health disorders. Trauma Informed Care is a commitment that Imperial County Behavioral Health Services (ICBHS) is undertaking to support the recovery of people impacted by trauma who seek help from ICBHS. Join us as we learn what Trauma Informed Care is and how ICBHS is adapting in response to consumer needs.
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