Children's Clinic Overview
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Servicios Infantiles - Innovacion: Primer Paso Hacia el Exito
- Children Services-Innovation: First Step to Success Early Intervention for at Risk Children
- Servicios Infantiles: Programa de Prevencion e Intervencion Temprana para Ninos Expuestos al Trauma
- Children Services - Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Trauma Exposed Children
- Servicios Infantiles del Departamento de Salud Mental
- ImperialCounty Behavioral Health: Children's Outpatient Services
- Los AnosIncreibles
- Incredible Years Parenting Program
- Programa de Socializacionpara ninos de Vista Sands
- Vista SandsChildren's Socialization Program
Let's Talk About It - March 2017
- Details
- Category: Let's Talk About It
March 9, 2017 - Playing for Change: Music’s Transformative Power - Mark Johnson Chairman of the Board Playing for Change FoundationPlaying for Change was created to connect the world’s people through music. The idea for this project came from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries, overcome distances between people and create positive change. |
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March 16, 2017 - Yoga and Mental Health - Dipa PatelYoga improves a person's psychological/mental well being, which helps reduce anxiety and depression. Yoga also helps boost memory and improves concentration. It can prevent the onset of mental health conditions, which are prevalent during adolescence. Local yoga instructor Dipa Patel joins us to introduce us to yoga and its mental health benefits. |
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March 23, 2017 - Families in Crisis: A View from the Bench - The Honorable Juan UlloaYears of judicial service have given Hon. Judge Ulloa a unique perspective on the inherent strengths, challenges and lives of the people of Imperial County who face the impacts of family crises. |
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March 30, 2017 - Therapeutic Riding and Mental Health - Marsha BoutwellTherapeutic Riding offers physical, social, and spiritual benefits to people with disabilities. For those who have cognitive and or behavioral disabilities, communication skills may improve through interaction with the horse and instructor. Behavioral Health has an ongoing therapeutic riding program for youth and young adults; join us as we speak with Instructor Marsha Boutwell about her local program. |
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