November 7, 2019 - Children and Adolescent Clinic Overview - Jose Lepe Behavioral Health Manager Children and Adolescents Services

1in 4 children suffers from treatable mental health conditions every day in our community. These conditions affect grades, self-esteem, social relationships and can affect lifetime outcomes if not treated. Let’s introduce the community to Imperia County Behavioral Health’s Children and Adolescent Services. Walk with us through a virtual tour, as pur guide Behavioral Health Manager, Jose Lepe seeks to share the ease, comfort and care of accessing behavioral health support for our children.
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November 14, 2019 – Smart phones: Have They Taken over Your Youth’s Life? - Jonathan Fonseca Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker Psychiatric Social Worker Youth and Young Adults Brawley Anxiety and Depression/MHSA FSP

According to the Pew Institute 75% of teens and 95% of young adults send text messages, with the average being 60 text messages per day. Smart-phones ownership in teenagers is over 95%. 45% of U.S. teens describe their online time through smart-phones as nearly constant. Most subscribe to a variety of social media platforms. Join us as we discuss possible mental health consequences of smart-phone use.
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November 21, 2019 - Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) - Joaquin Zambrano Program Supervisor Adult Services ICBHS-Brawley

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a systematic treatment strategy that seeks to decrease recidivism among juvenile and adult criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning. It’s step-by-step approach combines elements from a variety of psychological traditions to progressively address self-esteem, social, moral, and positive behavioral growth.
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November 28, 2019 - Soar Above Stigma - Jackie Valadez SHS HOSA: Future Health Professionals, Advisor Simran Singh SHS HOSA: Future Health Professionals, Mental Health Project Leader

Imagine a high school where youth who were experiencing suffering due to symptoms of mental health problems didn't have to hide or minimize. Imagine there was open acceptance and support. Soar Above Stigma, a mental health wellness campaign at Southwest High School have taken on this challenge with their Healthcare Professional students playing a significant role in reducing mental health stigma on campus.
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