March 10, 2022 - Grief During a Pandemic - Stephanie Ramirez, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Supervising Therapist Children Services 

The pandemic has brought grief to our community. Lost loved ones, lost freedoms, lost opportunities, lost social contacts, lost practices and habits all have resulted from the pandemic and its conditions. Join us as therapist Stephanie Ramirez acknowledges and validates the losses we’ve all suffered and provides both healing coping and a sense of when grief may be overwhelming and when support may be necessary for recovery.
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March 17, 2022 - Adolescent Habilitative Learning Program (AHLP) - Jessica Aviles, MSW Program Supervisor Brian Phillips

By providing a combination of mental health support and educational services to adolescents enrolled in secondary schools whose emotional/behavioral disturbances prevent them from learning and functioning in a regular classroom, AHLP seeks to resolve problem behaviors, restore successful educational trajectories in brief periods and provide lifetime mental health self-management skills. Join us as Jessica Aviles and Brian Phillips talk in depth about the program and its positive impact in the community.
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March 24, 2022 - Mental Health During a Pandemic and Emerging from a Pandemic - Bernardo Ng, M.D. Bilingual Principal Investigator and Rater (Board Certified Psychiatrist) Sun Valley Research Center, Inc.

We are still experiencing a global pandemic event caused by COVID-19. This virus has already demonstrated its effects on our daily lives, our routines, and even our mental health. One of the best coping tools for anxiety is information discernment, gathering information, verifying the accuracy of the information, and then specific planning to manage the information. Information discernment is an effective anxiety reduction strategy. We have invited Sun Valley Research Center Director, Dr. Bernardo Ng to discuss all things COVID-19, including the adaptations and adjustments from pandemic life to post-pandemic life. What have we learned from the past year? How can we bring that knowledge to bear for a better post-pandemic life and community.
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March 31, 2022 - Link Crew: Using Student Mentoring to Support Connection and Wellbeing at Central Union High School - Central Union High School Staff: Stephanie Valenzuela, LCSW, Therapist, ICOE Ramona Campos & Irma Avelar, Counselors Teresa Gonzalez, Link Crew Coordinator/Teacher Haydee Rodriguez, Teacher

Central Union High School shares with us their system of connection that supports incoming freshman using selected upperclassman student mentors. The Link Crew system provides wellness and wellbeing coaching through activities designed to provide inclusion to arriving freshmen and identifies support needs that can be accessed at various levels of support, including counseling and professional treatment with an emphasis on behavioral health and wellness. Join us and an incredible team from Central Union to learn more about this innovative and caring system.
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